1. Miller Union

75 Best Restaurants in Atlanta: Miller Union
Sapelo clams over grouper

Photograph by Andrew Thomas Lee

See all 75 Best Restaurants

At Miller Union, Georgia native Steven Satterfield gathers every misguided notion about Southern food and tosses them in the compost heap. What’s left: dishes that are understated revelries (that silky farm egg in lush celery cream, oh my) and honest explorations of the modern South (see: Seasonal Vegetable Plate). That they’re served in the most unpretentious high-end restaurant in Atlanta—equally suitable for the laziest of lunches or the most special occasion—makes the fried pork chop with creamed greens and the duck breast with hoecakes and strawberry even more exceptional. When Satterfield won the James Beard Award for Best Chef in the Southeast in 2017, he was only the second Atlanta chef in 10 years to bring home the honor. At Miller Union, he has proudly picked up where his mentor, chef Scott Peacock, left off; Satterfield spent a decade working for Peacock at Watershed, the iconic restaurant that similarly modernized Southern food in that era. With Miller Union hitting the 10-year mark in November, Satterfield and co-owner/general manager/sommelier Neal McCarthy have firmly established their Westside gem as a beacon of Southern hospitality, both in the warm, all-welcoming dining room and in the inclusive, equitable kitchen. Behind the scenes and on the plate, Miller Union is a vision of an evolving South. 999 Brady Avenue, 678-733-8550, millerunion.com
